It's been my experience that such requests aren't generally answered, at least on the list. More specific requests such as "what DUL lists are you using" however generally get answered. The issue is probably related to people not wanting to give away all of their own work. Besides, you would otherwise get as many different answers as replies, and it would still come down to you making a choice and needing to be more informed about what to do.

My first suggestion for anyone running Declude would be to get Sniffer ( It's reasonably priced and Sniffer alone can tag +95% of your spam with +99.8% accuracy. The instructions might be a little bit confusing at first, but if you make the commitment to do this, there are plenty that will help you get it configured.


Imail_Forum wrote:


  Just signed back up for this list again.  I was wondering if people could
share some sample default junkmail files and cfg files?   I am using Declude
for anti-spam only as of now and would be interested in seeing how other
people are setting theirs up.  Our current config is working pretty good,
but would love to make it better.

Mark Mitchell
Inwave Internet Inc.

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-- ===================================================== MailPure custom filters for Declude JunkMail Pro. =====================================================

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