On Wednesday, November 17, 2004, 7:38:44 PM, Matt wrote:

M>  Thanks to both of you for the guidance.

M>  Kevin, sleep.exe is from the Resource Kit.

M>  I've coded up a script fragment that should handle this, but I
M> would appreciate some feedback on if this is the correct way to
M> go.  Obvious declarations omitted:
M> ' Disable error handling
M>  On Error Resume Next
M>  ' Move the specified file, retry after 5 seconds if error is found, limit 
to 100 tries.
M>  intRetry = 100
M>  Do While intRetry > 0
M>      objFS.MoveFile strSource, strDestination

If I might add a few pennies to this.
I recommend that you rename the files before moving them. This will
minimize the amount of time spent potentially in conflict with other
programs. Renaming a file takes almost no time compared to moving it.
Once the file is renamed, the move can proceed leisurely.

Hope this helps,

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