dynamic.rhs.mailpolice.com - dynamic PPP/DSL/cable reverse DNS hostnames,
useful for stopping spam from broadband proxies

Because it targets the RevDNS is why I use the dnsbl with the revdns. I also
test the HELO

revdns 97.6% spam 3539/52891 emails
helo  99.7% spam 2612/52891 emails
combo of the above 98.2% spam 3556/52891 emails

When I rhsbl the dynamic I would get too many false positives.
I never got a hit off the fraud list so I stopped using it.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill Landry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 17, 2004 9:28 AM
Subject: Re: [Declude.JunkMail] mailpolice

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Scott Fisher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > You can also use their rev dns list:
> > MAILPOLICE-REVDNS dnsbl   %REVDNS%.dynamic.rhs.mailpolice.com
> 0
> Hmmm, do you actually catch anything with this test?  And why would you go
> through the trouble of setting it this way?  Since this is a classic RHS
> test, why wouldn't you just set it up like:
> MAILPOLICE-DYNA rhsbl dynamic.rhs.mailpolice.com 5 0
> They also have a fraud list that will help catch phish type e-mails:
> MAILPOLICE-FRAUD rhsbl fraud.rhs.mailpolice.com 5 0
> Bill
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