
Report your false positives to [EMAIL PROTECTED] You must include the full source of the E-mail for this to work appropriately. You can simply copy and paste the content from a MBX or SMD file into the body of an E-mail and send it. You must send the E-mail from the account that you have registered with Sniffer (you can ask them to change it if necessary), and you need to include your custom code somewhere in the message (I include this in an alias that I have in my address book).

It can be a bit unwieldy if you have no process set up for doing this. Hopefully Pete will put together a Web interface for those that don't at some point in the future.


Katie LaSalle-Lowery wrote:

Thurs evening I upgraded our Declude installation to version 1.81 (we had
been at 1.65).  I have become aware of a number of false positives in
MessageSniffer since Friday.  We had not seen any false positives in
MessageSniffer previously.

Any thoughts or suggestions?

Katie LaSalle-Lowery Centric Internet Services 1410 Reserve St. Missoula, MT 59801 Local Phone 549-3337 ext. 21 Toll Free (888)593-2776 ext. 21 Fax (406)721-3438

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