
I've spent hundreds of hours (literally) adjusting the weights and
tests, adding sniffer, my own filters, etc to get the highest possible
catch rate with the lowest possible false positive rate.

I also delete at one weight and hold at a different weight to give
me a margin of error. I don't care to get into the specifics of how I
have Declude setup, but it has been working great for me the way I have

If any of the tests I'm using start failing almost every email...there
are going to be (and there was) a lot of false positives and there were
lots of customer complaints.

The spamheaders glitch WAS a BIG DEAL. 2 or 3 points one way or the
other makes all the difference.

Andrew Baldwin


Monday, January 3, 2005, 5:29:39 PM, you wrote:

>> The thought was that since this is normally a relatively minor test,
>> anyone  that  it  does  affect  adversely would just comment out the
>> test.

> But  that's forcing admins to comb their logs to find out what test is
> malfunctioning,   likely   with   Declude   turned  off  entirely  and
> management/customers  breathing  down  necks  while such forensics are
> run.  Then  add  in the additional fact that the "payload" of this bug
> would  occur on the first day back after the holidays, when there'd be
> plenty of other work piled up.

> I  know  it's  not  yours  alone, Scott, but that doesn't sound like a
> fully-thought-out position.

> --Sandy

> ------------------------------------
> Sanford Whiteman, Chief Technologist
> Broadleaf Systems, a division of
> Cypress Integrated Systems, Inc.

> SpamAssassin plugs into Declude!
> http://www.mailmage.com/products/software/freeutils/SPAMC32/download/release/

> Defuse Dictionary Attacks: Turn Exchange or IMail mailboxes into IMail 
> Aliases!
> http://www.mailmage.com/products/software/freeutils/exchange2aliases/download/release/
> http://www.mailmage.com/products/software/freeutils/ldap2aliases/download/release/

> ---
> [This E-mail was scanned for viruses by Declude Virus 
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