Title: Message
Hi Scott:
Hm - it seems to be tied to:
If I comment out that line, then 1.82 shows the "Tests failed" line again, if the Last action = "">
Can you remind me, what additional messages/log lines I will see if
is commented out?

Best Regards
Andy Schmidt

H&M Systems Software, Inc.
600 East Crescent Avenue, Suite 203
Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458-1846

Phone:  +1 201 934-3414 x20 (Business)
Fax:    +1 201 934-9206


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Andy Schmidt
Sent: Friday, January 07, 2005 10:22 PM
To: Declude.JunkMail@declude.com
Subject: [Declude.JunkMail] 1.82 -> Last Action no longer logged for IGNORE
Importance: High

Hi Scott:
Here is my log file BEFORE I upgraded from 1.7x to 1.82:
01/01/2005 00:08:06 Q3035000006642d68 Tests failed [weight=10]: IPNOTINMX=IGNORE SPAMHEADERS=WARN SNIFFER=LOG WEIGHTFILTER=WARN WEIGHT10=LOG
01/01/2005 00:08:06 Q3035000006642d68 Last action = "">
If the Last Action was IGNORE, the "Tests failed" line still existed.
However, in 1.82, my log file now looks like this:
01/07/2005 00:13:17 Q1a6074d401022233 BASE64:1 WEIGHTFILTER:3 .  Total weight = 4.
01/07/2005 00:13:17 Q1a6074d401022233 Subject: **Message you sent blocked by our bulk email filter**
01/07/2005 00:13:17 Q1a6074d401022233 From: <> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  IP: ID: 3FCD4D003A62
01/07/2005 00:13:17 Q1a6074d401022233 Last action = "">
The Tests Failed line is missing! 
That really wreak havoc on my statistics reports - and it breaks DLANALZYER!

Best Regards
Andy Schmidt

H&M Systems Software, Inc.
600 East Crescent Avenue, Suite 203
Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458-1846

Phone:  +1 201 934-3414 x20 (Business)
Fax:    +1 201 934-9206



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