I apologize for asking such a silly question but I'm suffering from a mental
roadblock.  What is the difference between the MAILFROM and FROMFILE tests?
I understand the difference from a Declude configuration syntactical
standpoint but I don't understand the intended benefit of having two tests
which seem to do essentially the same thing, other than the fact that all
entries in a FROMFILE would have the same number of points added whereas
MAILFROM you can specify individual number of points.

The MAILFROM test simply checks to see if the return address is on a valid domain. So if I sent an E-mail from "[EMAIL PROTECTED]", it would fail the MAILFROM test. You do not give the MAILFROM test any data (you don't give it an address, domain, list of addresses, etc.). It will work the same for everyone who uses the test.

The "fromfile" test type is called a Sender Blacklist. It lets you enter a list of E-mail addresses that will cause the E-mail to fail that test. It will work differently depending on what E-mail addresses you list.

So if you have "@made_up_domain.com" or "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" in your blacklist, an E-mail from [EMAIL PROTECTED] would fail both the MAILFROM and sender blacklist tests. But if you did not happen to list that user/domain, the E-mail would only fail the MAILFROM test.

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