Thanks, this looks like another good candidate. The software license of $795 isn't that bad, and you don't need anything special to run it to capacity on my network. I would like to see it in action however, and figure out if it was easy to use (worth money to me), and also as stable as could be. I don't know how I might have a hot spare configuration with a setup like this so having something that is virtually bulletproof is worth a lot here.

I'm also guessing that this is an open source app underneath the GUI and managed updates. It would be nice to know what that was.


sbsi lists wrote:

Hi Matt,

you might look at

more  $$s  than  your budget UNLESS you go with their software and you
handle the OS/Hardware.

I  don't have experience with this -- yet... but thinking of using one
of their appliances or get the software and trying it.

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