> Sometimes, our DNS server wants to use their 2 MX record even though
> that  domain  has  properly  configured  priority  numbers and their
> primary server is active.

"Use"  the  secondary,  if  it's  the only MX record IMail ever sees =
perfectly valid for IMail, broken in DNS.

"Use"  the  secondary,  even  if the primary MX record was returned to
IMail = broken for Imail, valid for DNS.

> The problem when it does resolve to their 2 MX record, is that server does
> not except email.

i.e., their server is broken, and they're showing it off.

> Our  caching  in Imail has been turned off for years. So the problem
> may  be  in our DNS Server (Simple DNS Plus) where it's not retrying
> to get the MX record again; but rather using it's cache.

The cache should contain all MX records that were originally returned.
It's not one-at-a-time.

> Sometimes our DNS does pull the primary MX, other times the 2 MX.

i.e., your DNS server is _also_ broken.

> Is this a problem with our DNS? Or does DNS pull any MX it finds (no
> matter the priority?)

It must pull all valid MXes -- how else would it be able to retry?


Sanford Whiteman, Chief Technologist
Broadleaf Systems, a division of
Cypress Integrated Systems, Inc.

SpamAssassin plugs into Declude!

Defuse Dictionary Attacks: Turn Exchange or IMail mailboxes into IMail Aliases!

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