Sorry...should've mentioned our weighting scale. We hold at 100 and delete at 300.
Those were just examples, however.  The point is to weight them exactly opposite of your current weight for those tests.

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2005 5:54 PM
Subject: RE: [Declude.JunkMail] Negative weighting filters to reduce false positives

This is pretty interesting, but one question – What is your hold weight set to?  It seems that you are assigning a huge negative value for the first test, and much smaller for the other two, nay insight as to how you came up with these values?  We are running into some of the same problems here, and this is an interesting idea for a way around it.


- greg


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Darin Cox
Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2005 5:41 PM
Subject: [Declude.JunkMail] Negative weighting filters to reduce false positives


We just started something I've been thinking about for a while:  Negative weight tests to offset specific test failures for well-known domains.  For example, a large number of false positives we see are from Earthlink, Mindspring, Sprint, Verizon, etc.


Now you may be thinking, of course, these are large providers with dial-up user bases, so you would expect a large percentage of false positives to be from them...but hold on a minute.  Many of these large domains are being penalized in our system for routing or not having abuse@ or postmaster@ addresses.  Almost all of these would not have ended up in the hold queue if they had not been so penalized...thus the idea to figure out a manageable way to NOT penalize them for these technical RFC violations.


So, what we've done is to start filters to counteract the weights for major tests that a few of these domains fail.  By doing it specifically for a particular domain, we reduce false positives but avoid losing the effectiveness of the test on other domains.


Anyway, attached zip are the filter files.  As I mentioned, they have just been started, so there are just a few domains in them at present.  At the top of the filter file are suggested guidelines on how to use them.  There are probably better ways to handle this, so I welcome comments/feedback.




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