On 16 May 2005 at 23:49, Markus Gufler wrote:

> If someone is interested in, I've updated my sober-q filter files.
> I've split the patterns in two files: SUBJECT and BODY lines. They
> will not catch more but:
> 1.) The SUBJECT filterfile will be processed only if CMDSPACE has
> failed before. This will save resources and as some subject lines can
> be used also in legit german messages it will prevent FP's.
> 2.) The BODY-file is primary there to filter out bounces so it cannot
> be combined with CMDSPACE but at least it can be skipped if the
> SUBJECT-based filterfile has already failed.
> In addition both filterfiles will now STOPATFIRSTHIT.
> Here are the config lines for both filterfiles:
> SOBERQ        filter C:\[filter_path]\filter_soberq.txt                       
> x 0
> 0
> SOBERQBODY    filter C:\[filter_path]\filter_soberq-body.txt          x 0
> 0
> Markus

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