Title: Message

HI all,


I am in perhaps a different position from some/most of you in that I run Declude on a IMail server but it is just a gateway no mailboxes are on my server. So all I have running from the IMail services is SMTP and Queue Mgr. I have to say that I am reasonable happy with the way things are. Now I am looking to migrate my Declude/IMail to another box and am wondering if I should do the SmarterMail thing?


I know that SmarterMail and Declude had a rocky start but that is mostly better now. I also know that there are a couple of tests that IMail can do that SmarterMail cannot.


So will I get much/some/any performance gain by going to SmarterMail?


Has anyone figured out how to requeue a held mail with a script that can be launched by the user with a link to the web server?


I have a bunch of batch files that call IMAIL1.EXE to send the results to me. Is there a corresponding ability in SmarterMail?


Any other Pros/Cons that people want to impart?





     Goran Jovanovic

     The LAN Shoppe

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