> FYI, restarting ORF doesn't affect MS SMTP as far as I can tell, and
> as  long  as  you configure MS SMTP to accept all E-mail, all that a
> restart  of  ORF  will  do  is cause a moment of un-validated E-mail
> which  should  get  deleted  by  Declude  as  spam if it came from a
> dictionary  attack.

Depending   on  the  nature  of  the  service  shutdown,  files  could
definitely  be  orphaned.  I  say  this  because, like you, I'm not so
confident  about  the  neat shutdown and restart of the ORF service. A
bigger problem than the orphans is that moment of leakage, though.

> The  problem  is  really  finding a way to reliably restart ORF in a
> script.  I  have had two occasions where my script failed to restart
> it  and  that  caused overflow each time.

Yep, that's why I like the live updates of LDAP. Constantly restarting
any Windows service gives me the willies!

> I  would  look  more into it, but I deeply desire something that can
> weight  RBL's  and  some  other very obvious things while also doing
> address  validation,  and  I  have  little  hope  for ORF to do this
> anytime soon based on previous queries.

Gotta agree. The rblpolicyd functionality is rare at the free/low-cost
price  point,  and  new  and untested even on *nix (though sa-exim has
been  able  to  do  the same for Exim for a couple of years, a kind of
weird latency if you ask me).


Sanford Whiteman, Chief Technologist
Broadleaf Systems, a division of
Cypress Integrated Systems, Inc.

SpamAssassin plugs into Declude!

Defuse Dictionary Attacks: Turn Exchange or IMail mailboxes into IMail Aliases!

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