Troy, Good luck! In order to get removed they want you to post to the NANAE newsgroup - see Q41/42 in this FAQ - From their you will most likely be ridiculed. I am sorry if I do not sound like a big fan of Spews but they are very aggressive and often list a lot of casuality IP's. I have know folks in the casuality boat that had to re-addresses as spews tends to be unwilling to delist anything.
DLAnalyzer - Comprehensive reporting on Declude Junkmail & Virus. Troy D. Hilton writes:
Hey All,
How does one go about getting their IP address delisted with SPEWS? I
understand how I got listed and that problem has been successfully removed.
But now is the daunting task of getting delisted. While most blacklists do
provide some sort of removal process, SPEWS seems to only tell you you're
listed. Any suggestions here?
Troy D. Hilton
Serveon, Inc.

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