I just came across something that I wasn't expecting while using both the COPYFILE and DELETE actions.  Essentially, COPYFILE is still functioning when a DELETE condition is met, but DELETE I thought was supposed to superseded all other actions.

My config would be roughly the following in the Global.cfg:
LOW-SCORE               weightrange    x    x    10    24
MED-SCORE                weight            x    x    25    0
COPY-SCORE              weight            x    x    25    0
HIGH-SCORE               weight            x    x    40    0
My $Default$.junkmail has roughly the following:
HIGH-SCORE               DELETE
What happens when a message scores between 10 and 25 is that it gets sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and that's it.  When it scores between 25 and 39 it should trigger both a ROUTETO and a COPYFILE action (and it does).  When it scores 40 or above, the ROUTETO action won't trigger due to the DELETE setting (which is great), but it is triggering the COPYFILE action which I assumed should also be superseded by the DELETE action (like all others).

I recall that when 2.0 came out there was some confusion on the list by the change in the DELETE action where it no longer superseded some actions.  When this was discovered around 2.0.5, DELETE was changed back to the original behavior and DELETE_RECIPIENT was introduced in order provide the new functionality.  It appears that COPYFILE might have been left in the modified behavior at this point, or possibly it was never set to be overrided by DELETE.

I only recently discovered this when I changed the way that I handled one level of scoring, and instead of capturing a few thousand messages a day, I ended up capturing a few thousand messages per hour.  I'm not sure that this was by design, and it seems to break with what one would expect of the ultimate final action of DELETE.

Is this intentional?  Could/should it be changed if not, and even if so?



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