> Another way that you could deal with this specific Microsoft 
> Office Outlook build is to create a filter that contains the 
> following:
> HEADERS       -8      CONTAINS Microsoft Office Outlook, 
> Build 11.0.5510

...but keep in mind that some Spammers write in the headers exactly this
string to pass spam-filters. 

If you cant WHITELIST AUTH or certain IP-ranges your only choice is to use
CMD-space in combination of filters. For example if SNIFFER + CMDSPACE fails
or if CMDSPACE and a filter file that contains some forreign countries you
can't be sure that none of your customers will never send a legit message
from there.

Maybe you have all you client configurations set to use a certain host name
as outgoing smtp-server while the official host name in the MX-Records for
all incomming messages is another one. In this case you can point the
outgoing smtp IP to another machine and set up there a SMTP-relay that
forwards all messages to your actual mail server. Then you can whitelist all
messages coming from the relay servers IP. But now you have to solve how to
configure the relay server without becoming an open relay....


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