I run a chunk of IP4r tests.
I've put my month to month results up at this site: http://it.farmprogress.com/declude/Testsbymonth.html
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2005 10:32 AM
Subject: [Declude.JunkMail] Free SPAM RBL's ?

I am currently using SPAMCOP, and pretty happy with it, but wouldn’t mind adding another.


What is everyone else using for an external RBL ?


Karl Drugge
B.S.I.T., A.S., M.C.S.E. ( NT 4.0 + 2000 ), C.C.N.A., C.C.D.A., Network+, A+
I dream of the day when I will learn to stop asking questions to which I will regret learning the answers ( Roy Greenhilt, Order of the Stick  ) 


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