We want to keep track of all mail from our students to the staff and vice versa.
All mail where the sender is part of student.tio.nl and any one of the recipients (To, CC or BCC) is in tio.nl then a copy needs to be sent to a special mailbox [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The same for mail coming from tio.nl where any recipient is in student.tio.nl needs to be sent to another special mailbox, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Of course the copied mail by the action itself should not be copied to that mailbox, otherwise I'll have a nice loop. :-(
Of course I don't want spam to be copied, define spam as any mail that meets my deleteweight (SPAMDELETE tag).
Of course I don't want virsses to be copied (but I'm using Declude Virus and AVAFTERJM is nowhere in my configs).
How do I set this up? I'll probably need JunkmailPro (I've got Junkmail Standard) or can I do this with standard IMail (v8.22) rules?
p.s. Still using Declude 2.06 but I'll switch to 3.x when I'll upgrade my mailserver to IMail 9 next year. I could upgrade Declude to 3.x if needed.

Met vriendelijke groet,
Bonno Bloksma
hoofd systeembeheer

tio hogeschool hotelmanagement en toerisme
begijnenhof 8-12 / 5611 el eindhoven
t 040 296 28 28 / f 040 237 35 20
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  / www.tio.nl

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