> Rather  than  list  everything it does here, I put together a little
> info page at. . .

I fail to see this post as anything but spam.

In the archives, you'll see that I've defended the right of posters to
market  commercial  Declude  plug-ins  or wrappers on this last in the
past.  I  still  believe  that's  totally fine; if you're committed to
_using_  Declude  _as  well  as_  making some money from improving it,
that's  cool. And if it's in response to an OT query in someone's post
--  what  might  be deemed an "opt-in" -- plugging just about anything
you  manufacture  or  resell can be okay, within limits (like a single
"contact  me  off-list"  response),  especially  if  it  comes  from a
well-known  name  here  on  the list. Signatures with pluggy copy also
don't  rankle me, since they require real posts or replies in order to
be seen.

But,  IMO,  having  published a Declude add-in for a while, then going
off   to   make  money  from  your  own  competing  products  and  not
participating  in the user community, is not an adequate justification
for using this list as a marketing list. Just because you'd _like_ the
product   to   have   Declude  support  doesn't  mean  that  it  falls
legitimately  within the Declude user community. I'm sure plenty of us
would  like our own commercial products to have Declude support, so we
could  advertise  them  to  another well-known community. But you know
what  we  need  much,  much  more?  A stable Declude 3.x that works. A
runtime  license  validation  mechanism that doesn't seem suspiciously
tied to the uptime of a single remote server. And so on.

What  we  don't  need  in  the  short  term  is another commercial MTA
integration.  IMail may still have overall price/performance issues as
an  MTA,  but  it's a lot more solid than in the past; SmarterMail was
more   efficient   from   the  get-go,  and  the  Declude/SmarterTools
partnership  is  (we  hope)  still in force. Brazenly trying to upsell
your  MTA  so  that  "Barry"  will  build  in support for it is pretty
insensitive  to what Declude needs now. If you'd been listening to the
list lately, you'd know this.


Sanford Whiteman, Chief Technologist
Broadleaf Systems, a division of
Cypress Integrated Systems, Inc.

SpamAssassin plugs into Declude!

Defuse Dictionary Attacks: Turn Exchange or IMail mailboxes into IMail Aliases!

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