Me too.
I saw on the lists the topic, and got a email from Declude.
I called, got informed, felt well treated and went with the program.
Upgraded to V 4.
It's nice to be able to talk to real people who listen and are responsive.
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Wolf Tombe
Sent: Monday, February 27, 2006 4:37 AM
Subject: [Declude.JunkMail] Upgrading to Version 3 and then 4....

As the owner of a small web/email hosting business I own both JunkMail Lite and Virus Lite.  Due to a very slow year I had let my SA for both products expire!  Given these circumstances, I’ve been reading with great interest the various threads regarding Declude’s plan for moving from Version 3 to Version 4 and potentially changing the SA model to a subscription model for new customers.  There has been much speculation as to how this might affect current Declude customers.  Needless to say, any unduly large and unanticipated expense could be very hard for me to handle right now.  So, last Friday I decided to take the bull by the horns and sent a message to Declude enquiring what the move from v3 to v4 meant to me in actual dollars and cents (both today and in terms of future year funding). 


I was happily surprised when Barry called me later that afternoon to discuss the situation.  I’ve got to say that Barry not only relived me of any fears I had but also reinforced why I like using Declude products!  Not only did Declude offer me a VERY fair price for renewing my service agreement but they also offered an excellent deal allowing me to move to version 4 while still maintaining my Service Agreement mode of licensing going forward!


Bottom line, I now have upgraded my software to the “pro” versions of both JunkMail and Virus and added Hijack to my Mail Server (something I have wanted to do for a very long time).  I have also renewed my SA and very much look forward to continuing a long business relationship with Declude.  In my opinion, the way Declude has handled this change clearly demonstrates to me that Declude is a company that very much respects and values its customer base.  And, that I something I feel is worthy of my loyalty as a customer.


I wanted to post this for anyone else reading these lists that may still be concerned about what Declude’s moving from an SA to Subscription licensing might mean for them as a current customer.  My advice, CALL Declude today and ask them for information about your specific situation.  My bet is that you will be VERY pleased with the outcome. I certainly was!


Wolf Tombe

CyberWolves Internet & e-Mail hosting


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