> Using other's mailing lists for support and public documentation, ldap, VBS
>  scripts. And free vs. free and both IMHO are equal amounts of spam.

IIS  SMTP has extremely active newsgroups with Microsoft employees and
MVPs  watching  it  closely,  and  I  don't  think  you  will find any
_competitive_  spam  there (cross-posts about erectile dysfunction are
not the issue). There are "equal amounts of spam" *where* and *where*,

Anyway, the issue was never the sending of spam to private lists, it's
your _willing acceptance_ of spam on an _anti-spam_ list.

Also,  "free  vs.  free"?  Since when? The other product is not a free
product;  it was spamvertised here as a commercial offering. What kind
of spin is going on here?

> Tarpitting,  country  blocking and native Win service and about five
> minutes of my time. Sorry and it wasn't just address validation.

Just  as  I  thought,  it  wasn't just address validation. . . so it's
complete apples-and-oranges and an irrelevant comparison (IIS SMTP vs.
the  other  product).  Of  course, IIS SMTP doesn't have the bells and
whistles  built  into _many_ standalone MTAs (not just this particular
other  product).  Everybody  knows  that.  And  most of those MTAs are
competitors  to  IMail/SmarterMail/Declude  in  some fashion. And yet,
oh-so-curiously,  every  other one of those vendors hasn't seen fit to
spam  this  list.  Guess  they  haven't discovered this free billboard
space yet.

>  Unix  sendmail  is free as well. Wonder why everyone went to Imail.
> Hmmmm.

Are  you  seriously  suggesting  that setting up IIS SMTP with address
validation  vs.  setting  up  the other product was as hard for you as
setting up sendmail vs. IMail? Have you ever set up sendmail?

Or  was  it that trying to make IIS SMTP do other things it doesn't do
_at  all_,  even  with  third-party add-ons, was as hard as setting up
sendmail?  Well,  that'd  be  quite an understatement, since not being
able  to  perform a function _at all_ is way beyond difficult, no? And
another reason that the comparison is irrelevant.

This remains an amazing example of selling out the anti-spam community
and somehow still getting kudos.


Sanford Whiteman, Chief Technologist
Broadleaf Systems, a division of
Cypress Integrated Systems, Inc.

SpamAssassin plugs into Declude!

Defuse Dictionary Attacks: Turn Exchange or IMail mailboxes into IMail Aliases!

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