Title: Restrict all email except internal
You could also restrict outbound to internal but shutting down relaying for the individual.  With no relay the server would only deliver mail for the local domains.  I use this sometimes because I do SMTP authentication.  Set up the user so they do not do authentication and it will not relay for them (i.e. not send mail outside of the server).

Sharyn Schmidt wrote:


I am trying to figure out whether I can get Declude to catch all emails and put them in the spam folder that come from any source that isn't coming from my own network.

I have a temporary employee that needs internal email, however, they are not to receive email from outside of our internal network.  I understand that this method will not prevent them from sending email to the internet, but they will soon be discouraged if they never receive a reply.

Can I do this with Declude? If not, any other suggestions?


Chris Fitch
Sr. Network Engineer
Industrial Chemicals, Inc.

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