Roger, Are you getting a lot of mail inbound (Dictionary attack, etc)? What is being shown in the logs? Can you post a snippet? Is anything else out of the norm(CPU, etc)? To generate 750MB logs on log level low something has to be going on..
fpReview - The easy way to review false positives for Declude... Schmeits, Roger writes:
We are getting very large decxxxx.log logfiles on the spooler dir. In
the neighborhood of 750 meg. Anybody seen this? The debug mode is not on and log level is set to low. LOGFILE e:\imail\spool\dec####.log LOGLEVEL LOW #PID / PID DEBUG #EVENTLOG ON #LOG_OK NONE
Roger Schmeits
Sr. Network Engineer 101 South 42nd St.
Omaha, NE 68131
(402) 552-2542 Office
(800) 647-5500 Toll Free
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