> My reading of Kevin Gills' message on 9/11 was that most everything but
> rich text editing now works, and that rich text support will be in the
> next release.

Not my reading...

>>Yes,  we have added Safari support (all but the rich text editor) in
>>the last sprint. This will be available in an expert user program in
>>sept/oct and to the general public in the next release.

He  is  referring to "the last sprint" toward 2006.1.1's release, i.e.
the  last  sprint  in  current development before 2006.1.1 goes public
beta.  Darin's reading of it agrees with mine, at least. It is not the
most straightforward post from Kevin.

If  2006.1  were  officially  alleged  to have Safari support, I would
expect that it would be in the release notes, but nope:



Sanford Whiteman, Chief Technologist
Broadleaf Systems, a division of
Cypress Integrated Systems, Inc.

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