Hi Herb,
I agree wholeheartedly, and have posted on keeping a current issues list on their site several times in the past.  However, David Barker did just kindly post a list of known issues they are working on.  We're waiting on him to tell us when they are scheduling release of fixes to these problems.  In case you missed it, the list David posted is
*Line Terminator Problem

*Auto whitelist Imail 2006

*Reported Memory Leaks & Decludeproc crash on zero pointers

*Zerohour test doesn't operate as other tests

*Zip vulnerability

*Attach function bug (forward as attachment)

*When there is a MIME header mismatch Declude assumes it is an executable

*Incorrectly filtering Object Data Vulnerability for MSOffice generated

*Attached web pages seen as .com files

*Yahoo CAL emails have header problems which cause improper blocking

*Encoded attachments not correctly detected - long base64

*Prewhitelist is not skipping custom filters

*Whitelisting messages in lower Log levels

*SmarterMail order of Domains listed in xml for aliases

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, October 26, 2006 10:27 AM
Subject: Re: [Declude.JunkMail] bad header mods by Declude

Hi John;

Thanks for the links, and yes, I did just join this list this week.  Kind of discouraging actually to see that this has been a known issue for a long time and has not been solved.  I had not even thought of the issue re sneaking thru a virus as well.  With all of the exchanges I did not actually see an official statement as to when this will be fixed other than that it has perhaps been moved up in priority.

I understand that supplying products like declude and sniffer, etc. is not a barrel of laughs as it is a battle.  But as a customer I sure want the troops to be protecting my customers.  I wonder if a document on issues that are known and being worked on, with a priority and eta that would be under the customer logged in area would help.  That way Declude would not have to keep answering some of the same questions over and over again.  I know that disclosure can be painful, but at the end of the day it does just reflect reality, the only difference is customers know what is happening instead of guessing.

Take care,


John T (Lists) wrote:
Hello Herb and welcome to the Declude JunkMail list.

This is a known issue with spam that has "improper" coding in the header and
has been discussed at length. Here are some links to the existing


In a nut shell, Declude (and fpReview) are expecting certain code (that must
be there accourding to RFC) to tell where the headers start and end and so
forth but some of that code is missing.

Declude is well aware of the problem and David Barker has stated that he is
raising the priority of getting this fixed.

John T
eServices For You

"Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Herb
Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2006 8:02 AM
To: declude.junkmail@declude.com
Subject: [Declude.JunkMail] bad header mods by Declude

Hi All;

We have been having a problem with Declude not modifying the true
subject and header on many spam messages.  Sniffer and a number of the
other tests catch the message, but Declude is adding a header stub to
the bottom of the message source, and not the real header.  Since we
have our system set up to pre-pend "Probable SPAM:" to the subject line
all of these messages go right thru the email clients filters.

We are running the latest version of Declude, 4.3.14 with Smartermail.

I have submitted several samples and let the folks know at Declude, but
have not had any feedback.  When mentioning it on the message sniffer
mail list others are also experiencing this as well.  Have other Declude
customers seen this and what information does Declude need to work on
this problem?



Herb Guenther
Lanex, LLC
(262)789-0966x102 Office
(262)780-0424 Direct

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Herb Guenther
Lanex, LLC
(262)789-0966x102 Office
(262)780-0424 Direct

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