Did you turn on the Auto Whitelist feature?  That whitelists sender
addresses that appear in the recipient's webmail address book.  It doesn't
appear to be so in this case, but we've seen problems with users having
their own address in their webmail address book, resulting in whitelisting
forging spam.

If none of this applies here, I would recheck your whitelist statements.

I didnt touch the autowhite list feature. I wonder if it's on by default?
This is a brand new global.cfg file. All I did was copy my custom stuff over
from my old one but I didn't mess with any of the defaults.
Thanks, I'll check that right now.
Yep, autowhitelist was ON.  I did turn that off, but this didnt start
happening until I put in some WHITELIST TO <user> statements.
Like I said, I didn't whitelist my entire domain, just several users. Once I
removed the whitelist TO statements, things went back to normal. It was
prob. my error, I've never used that feature before. I had just been
configuring user.junkmail files with the ignore action for everything. 
Guess I need to RTFM before I start playing with things that I don't know
anything about.

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