Why not just base it on a REVDNS test for .fedex.com and assign a large negative weight?

Check out http://www.invariantsystems.com for utilities for Declude, Imail, mxGuard, and ORF. IMail/Declude Overflow Queue Monitoring, SURBL/URI integration, MRTG Integration, and Log Parsers.

Kevin Bilbee wrote:
How does the whitelist features work?

We receive various emails from fedex with different domain portions of the email.

I have



In our domain level whitelist? But they emails do not seem to be getting white listed.

It seems that the whitelist works on the following

[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> – the entire email address

@fn3nds2.prod.fedex.com – the entire domain including the @

fn3nds2.prod.fedex.com – Just the domain portion

How do I whitelist just on the first subdomain like fedex.com?

Kevin Bilbee
Network Administrator
Standard Abrasives, Inc.
Changing the way industry works.

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