Has anyone tried this option yet?

DEC     ADD     Can use #### for 4 digit year on log file names in the
                format ddmmyyyy

IS the format really "ddmmyyyy" - it seems like it would make more sense if the format was actually "mmddyyyy"?

Especially since the regular format of "dec####.log" right now is "mmdd".

I was about to test it until I realized today is 0404.... Might have to wait until tomorrow to verify unless someone has already tried it.


Colbeck, Andrew wrote:
David Barker said:

DEC     ADD     Added date, Time, Email, Spool name, Weight and Tests
                to the BLKLST log

Dave, the what log?

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of David Barker
Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2008 7:30 AM
To: declude.junkmail@declude.com; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Declude.JunkMail] 4.4.00 Released

4.4.00 Released we will be sending a notification to all customers.

EVA     ADD     Updated AVG (avgsdk.dll 1.3.511)
EVA ADD BANEXT EZIP for encrypted files .RAR can encrypt at the file
                name level requiring a password.
EVA ADD ALLOWVULNERABILITIESFROM example.com can be used with just
EVA     FIX     BANEZIPEXT ON blocking any encrypted file names
EVA     FIX     ALLOWVULNERABILITIESFROM error when non sender
EVA FIX Fix Header Vulnerability to accommodate Opera mail Client
                header format
JM      ADD     Updated PCRE (pcre3.dll 7.0)
JM      ADD     Updated CommTouch ZEROHOUR (asapskd.dll 5.05.8)
JM ADD Check the SmarterMail Domain Level for Trusted Sender in the
JM      FIX     PCRE on a match was writing additional information not
                pertaining to the match in the LOG
JM FIX PCRE found a match and the size of the match was > than the
                buffer size.
JM FIX Declude produced an error when reading the envelope file (SM and IM), the HELO line can only be 512 according to RFC-821 we now truncate
                after 512 characters.
JM FIX HELO information was reported incorrectly when IPBYPASS is
JM FIX Incoming and Outgoing messages being reported incorrectly
DEC     ADD     Can use #### for 4 digit year on log file names in the
                format ddmmyyyy
DEC ADD Added date, Time, Email, Spool name, Weight and Tests failed
                to the BLKLST log
DEC FIX SmarterMail CMDSPACE test. This test was not triggered in the SmarterMail envelope as token was changed from "cmdspc" instead of
                "cmdspace" we now check for both.

David Barker
VP Operations Declude
Your Email security is our business
978.499.2933 x 7007 office
978.988.1311 fax

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This E-mail came from the Declude.JunkMail mailing list.  To
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Check out http://www.invariantsystems.com for utilities for Declude, Imail, mxGuard, and ORF. IMail/Declude Overflow Queue Monitoring, SURBL/URI integration, MRTG Integration, and Log Parsers.

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