I stared at those lines for 15 minutes  without seeing the obvious.  Is it 
weekend yet?



  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Colbeck, Andrew
  To: Declude.JunkMail@declude.com
  Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2011 5:10 PM
  Subject: RE: [Declude.JunkMail] error message in declude log

  Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

  Look at the order of your lines. You have a duplicate pair of weight4
  lines between your "7" and "8" pair.

  Andrew 8)

  -----Original Message-----
  From: IMail Admin [mailto:imailad...@bcwebhost.net]
  Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2011 4:56 PM
  To: Declude.JunkMail@declude.com
  Subject: [Declude.JunkMail] error message in declude log


  I'm getting the following lines in my log file:

  08/17/2011 16:33:31.218 q4fc823f50000c012.smd Warning: misconfiguration
  in following line in configuration file ('weight' is not an ACTION). May
  be a duplicate test definition?
  08/17/2011 16:33:31.218 q4fc823f50000c012.smd WEIGHT4 weight x x 4 0
  08/17/2011 16:33:31.218 q4fc823f50000c012.smd Warning: misconfiguration
  in following line in configuration file ('weightrange' is not an
  ACTION). Maybe a duplicate test definition?
  08/17/2011 16:33:31.218 q4fc823f50000c012.smd WEIGHT4r weightrange x x 4

  They seem to only cover tests 4 and 4r, but I actually have a whole
  of these:

  #WEIGHT10 weight  x x 10 0
  #WEIGHT14 weight  x x 14 0
  #WEIGHT20 weight  x x 20 0
  #WEIGHT30 weight  x x 30 0
  WEIGHT5  weight  x x 5 0
  WEIGHT5r weightrange x x 5 9
  WEIGHT10 weight  x x 10 0
  WEIGHT10r weightrange x x 10 14
  WEIGHT15 weight  x x 15 0
  WEIGHT15r weightrange x x 15 19
  WEIGHT20 weight  x x 20 0
  WEIGHT20r weight  x x 20 29
  WEIGHT30 weight  x x 30 0
  WEIGHT30r weight  x x 30 39
  WEIGHT2  weight  x x 2 0
  WEIGHT2r weightrange x x 2 4
  WEIGHT3  weight  x x 3 0
  WEIGHT3r weightrange x x 3 6
  WEIGHT4  weight  x x 4 0
  WEIGHT4r weightrange x x 4 8
  WEIGHT6  weight  x x 6 0
  WEIGHT6r weightrange x x 6 9
  WEIGHT7  weight  x x 7 0
  WEIGHT7r weightrange x x 7 14
  WEIGHT4  weight  x x 4 0
  WEIGHT4r weightrange x x 4 8
  WEIGHT8  weight  x x 8 0
  WEIGHT8r weightrange x x 8 12
  WEIGHT9  weight  x x 9 0
  WEIGHT9r weightrange x x 9 12
  WEIGHT12 weight  x x 12 0
  WEIGHT12r weightrange x x 12 15

  I didn't have this problem before. Any idea what I screwed up?



  (global.cfg attached)

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