Per point 3. “Once URIBL starts rejected the requests then every request gets 
scored as bad”

Read the site News, and Implementation sections. This is because a 
rejection isn’t quiet, it returns the value, so I’ll assume that SM 
is triggering on a result of “*” instead of “” and you’ll want to go 
back to SmarterMail to figure out how to be specific about that acceptable 
response. Perhaps you’ll want to use specific tests like the Black test or the 
Red test instead of the Multi test.

Per point 5. “I'm not really sure how URIBL even knows which DNS server I use 
...last year, I had my SM server configured to use the Comcast national DNS 

Well, that’s pretty clear, a lot of people use ComCast, so ComCast has been 
flagged as a “heavy hitter” and queries through their servers to URIBL will 
cause URIBL to respond to Comcast with the “” value. URIBL doesn’t 
care about your-server-asking-via-Comcast, they care about which server asked 
URIBL, which was ComCast.

Per point 6. “I was told that I need to turn off recursion on the DNS server to 
be considered acceptable to URIBL. Again, I don't know why.“

Ok, it’s plausible that URIBL tests your DNS server to see if it can be abused 
by bad guys, but I actually doubt that they do this, and it’s a red herring. 
You know that your mail volume is small enough to not be a heavy hitter but you 
are diagnosed as a heavy hitter anyway. Therefore, someone gave you this advice 
while trying to diagnose why you are getting heavy hitter results, i.e. that 
your DNS server is being abused.

The big idea here is that your mail server needs to ask a DNS server to resolve 
stuff for it, including URIBL. However, random people on the Internet should 
not be able to use your DNS server, because they will certainly abuse it to 
throw bandwidth at someone they don’t like. That’s called an open resolver, see 
here for why that’s bad

It’s extremely common to use a DNS server right on your email server, and point 
your antispam queries at that DNS server. Some DNS servers allow you to specify 
the IP/subnet of allowed clients; Windows 2008 does not, it happily resolves 
for anyone. So instead of using client ACLs on the DNS server, make sure you’re 
not telling your firewall to allow inbound DNS as a service on that particular 
IP address; because of course have a wonderful stateful firewall, it will 
happily allow outbound DNS and the corresponding inbound replies.

For your email server to resolve DNS, you don’t want to use forwarders, and you 
do want to use recursion.

Per point 7. "I tried writing to the URIBL abuse administrator but got no 

Your case is pretty straightforward; perhaps they think you want too much help 
while they’ve provided what’s necessary on their website already. Perhaps 
they’re busy working on their golf swing and not reading email.

If you can’t reach them from your own domain, write to them from a freemail 
account instead of the domain that is in trouble, and cite your IP/domain. Be 
concise. Be polite. Don’t use HTML formatting if you can help it. And don’t use 
a legal disclaimer in your footer, because antispam/security admins are 
notoriously allergic to what they interpret as your attempt to legally bind 
their communication, and as a result they simply ignore such email.


From: SM Admin []
Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2013 4:32 PM
Subject: Re: [Declude.JunkMail] why have spam scores jumped?

Hi Andrew and thanks!

The problem isn't Declude but it is spam related so I'd be interested to see if 
anyone else has ideas.  I spent some time on the SmarterMail forums and this is 
what it looks like:

1. SM uses a series of built-in tests as well as external tests such as 
Declude.  Among these are a pair of URIBL tests that are based on links 
embedded in the messages.

2. SM scores a hit for each bad link reported by URIBL and applies the weight 
score to each hit.  With the default weight of 4, a message with five links 
rejected by URIBL would give a total score of 4 x 5 = 20.

3. Starting some time late 2012, URIBL started rejected some requests based on 
high volume of calls from a particular server.  Various people have experienced 
this problem at various times over the last three months. Once URIBL starts 
rejected the requests then every request gets scored as bad.  So, for example, 
every message with five embedded links gets a weight of 20, regardless of the 
legitimacy of those links.  This results in a sudden inflation of spam scores.

4. I don't understand how our mail server would be subject to this. Our volume 
of mail isn't just small, one might almost call it tiny.  The number of calls 
we make to URIBL are correspondingly very small.

5. The claim made by Those Who Know on the SM forum is that the URIBL rejection 
is really directed at those who use high volume public DNS servers. I'm not 
really sure how URIBL even knows which DNS server I use, but that's the claim.  
Since last year, I have had my SM server configured to use the Comcast national 
DNS servers (Comcast being my upstream provider). Since that's supposed to be 
the problem, I switched to our in-house public DNS server, but that didn't help 
either.  Then I tried setting up a private DNS server on the mail server itself 
and still couldn't get it to work.

6. Then I was told that I need to turn off recursion on the DNS server to be 
considered acceptable to URIBL. Again, I don't know why.  The problem is that I 
use the MS DNS server (Win 2008) and when you turn off recursion, it forced off 
forwarding as well.  There are many good reasons for not wanting to turn off 
forwarding (in fact, MS doesn't recommend it). So now I'm stuck between a rock 
and a hard place.

7. I tried writing to the URIBL abuse administrator but got no response and 
couldn't find any other contact information.

Anyone able to correct or illuminate me?



        ----- Original Message -----

        From: Colbeck, Andrew <>


        Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2013 3:27 PM

        Subject: RE: [Declude.JunkMail] why have spam scores jumped?

        Ben, check the archive website here for the mail you’ve 


        From: SM Admin []
        Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2013 10:10 PM
        Subject: Re: [Declude.JunkMail] why have spam scores jumped?

        Thanks for the heads-up, but I didn’t and still don’t see either my 
original email or the responses.  I just took a look at it via the web 
interface because sometime Microsoft Live Mail (like Outlook Express before it) 
will not show some messages where it doesn’t like the header, but I just don’t 
see either my message or the responses. I’m assuming what happened was exactly 
what I was asking about – those messages were given him spam scores and deleted.

        I don’t suppose you could resend those replies to the list?



        From: Randy Armbrecht <>

        Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2013 11:12 AM


        Subject: RE: [Declude.JunkMail] why have spam scores jumped?

        Your Friday post did show up and already has 2 or 3 responses to it


        Randy Armbrecht

        Global Web Solutions, Inc.

        Office: 804.442.5300 x112

        Toll Free: 877.800.4562

        24 /7 Tech Support!

        Your Internet Source.Since 1996!

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        25% discount on most services for Non-Profits!  Call us today!

        From: SM Admin []
        Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2013 1:52 PM
        Subject: [Declude.JunkMail] why have spam scores jumped?

        (I sent this message on Friday but it never showed up, so I thought I’d 
try again.)


        I don't know if anyone is still here but I'd like some insights into 
some strange anti-spam behavior.

        We have latest SmarterMail and Declude, as well as Sniffer. Over the 
last few days I noticed a significant drop in email messages.  Upon further 
investigation, I found that messages were being givn much higher spam scores 
than in the past, with the result that they get classified as spam or just 
outright deleted.  Checking the headers, however, I don't see why the scores 
are coming in so high.  Below are a few examples.  Does anyone see why the spam 
scores come out so high?




        X-MessageSniffer-Scan-Result: 0
        X-MessageSniffer-Rules: 0-0-0-2998-c
        X-Declude-Sender: []
        X-Declude-Spoolname: 195938010.eml
        X-Declude-Note: Scanned by Declude 4.11.00 
        X-Declude-Scan: Incoming Score [0] at 17:26:20 on 01 Mar 2013
        X-Declude-Tests: SPFUNKNOWN [1]
        X-Country-Chain: UNITED STATES->destination
        X-Declude-Code: e
        X-Identity: | |
        X-SmarterMail-Spam: SPF_SoftFail, ISpamAssassin 0 [raw: 0], DK_None, 
DKIM_None, URIBL:3, Declude: 0
        X-SmarterMail-TotalSpamWeight: 15


        -MessageSniffer-Scan-Result: 0
        X-MessageSniffer-Rules: 0-0-0-32767-c
        X-Declude-Sender: []
        X-Declude-Spoolname: 159487572.eml
        X-Declude-Note: Scanned by Declude 4.11.00 
        X-Declude-Scan: Incoming Score [-3] at 16:38:51 on 01 Mar 2013
        X-Declude-Tests: SPFUNKNOWN [1]
        X-Country-Chain: UNITED STATES->destination
        X-Declude-Code: 1e
        X-Identity: | |
        X-SmarterMail-Spam: SPF_SoftFail, ISpamAssassin 0 [raw: 0], DK_None, 
DKIM_None, URIBL:7, Declude: -3
        X-SmarterMail-SpamDetail: 0.0 TVD_SUBJ_ACC_NUM
        X-SmarterMail-SpamDetail: 0.0 T_OBFU_PDF_ATTACH
        X-SmarterMail-TotalSpamWeight: 28


        X-MessageSniffer-Scan-Result: 0
        X-MessageSniffer-Rules: 0-0-0-32767-c
        X-Declude-Sender: []
        X-Declude-Spoolname: 159487567.eml
        X-Declude-Note: Scanned by Declude 4.11.00 
        X-Declude-Scan: Incoming Score [-3] at 16:35:50 on 01 Mar 2013
        X-Declude-Tests: SPFUNKNOWN [1]
        X-Country-Chain: UNITED STATES->destination
        X-Declude-Code: 1e
        X-Identity: | |
        X-SmarterMail-Spam: SPF_SoftFail, ISpamAssassin 1 [raw: 1], DK_None, 
DKIM_None, URIBL:10, Declude: -3
        X-SmarterMail-TotalSpamWeight: 41


        Just for comparison, here is an email from the same source from Tuesday 
(and very typical of past headers):

        X-MessageSniffer-Scan-Result: 0
        X-MessageSniffer-Rules: 0-0-0-27512-c
        X-Declude-Sender: []
        X-Declude-Spoolname: 159486224.eml
        X-Declude-Note: Scanned by Declude 4.11.00 
        X-Declude-Scan: Incoming Score [-3] at 17:56:38 on 26 Feb 2013
        X-Declude-Tests: SPFUNKNOWN [1]
        X-Country-Chain: UNITED STATES->destination
        X-Declude-Code: 1e
        X-Identity: | |
        X-SmarterMail-Spam: SPF_SoftFail, ISpamAssassin 5 [raw: 3], DK_None, 
DKIM_None, Declude: -3
        X-SmarterMail-TotalSpamWeight: 5

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