We have just released Declude v1.15 (beta).  Anyone running v1.10 through 
1.14 should upgrade to v1.15.  It fixes a number of minor issues and we are 
hoping it will become the next public release.

Changes include:

o Will now wait 10 minutes (instead of 60) for imail1.exe to send E-mail 
o Domains with a "-" in them will now have E-mail notifications sent 
properly by
o %ALLRECIPS% will now show the intended recipients, rather than the final 
    (IE when using aliases).
o %VIRUSFILE% will now work with McAfee .ZIP file scanning.
o Will no longer send notifications to "<>".
o imail1.exe would add a space to some domain names; fixed.
o Will now pop up the imail1.exe window if any problems occur sending 
o %SENDERHOST% and %RECIPHOST% variables added to return the host of the sender
   and recipient.


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