> I am a new user of declude virus pro, and I am using it in conjunction with
 > Kaspersky's newest NT/2000 server version

 > Here is a my line I am using for the SCANNAME
 > SCANFILE  C:\Progra~1\Kasper~1\Kasper~1\avp32.exe /S/Q/N/W

I'm guessing that the problem is that you need a space between each of the 
switches:  "... /S /Q /N /W".

 > 09/25/2001 11:04:01 Q9ca40b4 ERROR: Virus scanner didn't finish after 60
 > seconds; terminating.

This almost always means that the virus scanner is never going to end, 
usually because it is waiting for user input.  I'm guessing this is because 
there were no spaces between the switches, and Kaspersky gave a message 
like "Invalid input, press any key to continue" (but you can't see it or 
respond to it).

To see the virus scanner windows, you can change the "LOGLEVEL LOW" line in 
\IMail\Declude\virus.cfg to "LOGLEVEL DEBUG" temporarily.  You can then see 
any message(s) that Kaspersky is displaying in the windows.

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