You'll need this:

And something like this:;EN-US;q257405 (a toy)

Or (much better option) (also good I hear)

Hope this helps,

PS: There are a lot of ramdisk options out there as google will show.

| -----Original Message-----
| [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Craig Gittens
| Sent: Monday, June 10, 2002 3:42 PM
| Subject: RE: [Declude.Virus] OT: Hardware recommendations
| Just out of interest: How would you go about putting your 
| spool directory in a RAMDisk?
| Craig.
| -----Original Message-----
| [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On | Behalf Of 
| Madscientist
| Sent: Monday, June 10, 2002 3:17 PM
| Subject: RE: [Declude.Virus] OT: Hardware recommendations
| I recommend going with the single processor. Recovery in the 
| unlikely event of a main board failure is MUCH easier. Not to 
| mention it will be easier to support a P4 in future than a 
| P3. You're likely to be IO bound more than anything else - so 
| concentration on your storage is important
| - if you have to make a trade-off, make it in favor of faster 
| storage or better caching therein.
| Also, watch out for your nic... It's a small thing, but the 
| speed and reliability of that piece can make or break a mail server.
| These days memory is cheap... There's almost no excuse any 
| more to have less than 1G in Ram (IMHO) not because you need 
| it now, but because not having it is always worse than having 
| it. This can come in handy when running multiple instances of 
| command line virus scanners or other programs like Message 
| Sniffer. The extra ram also helps when caching these programs 
| and their data - if the box doesn't need to hit the hard 
| drive for this you'll be in great shape.
| Along those lines, if you want to get clever (or beg for 
| trouble based on your point of view) you might even tweak 
| things a bit by putting your spool directory in a ram-disk... 
| But don't go that far unless you want this box to carry heavy 
| traffic and your power and equipment are stable enough that 
| you won't worry about the spool dir going away.
| Hope this helps. I'm sure others have different viewpoints to add.
| _M
| ---
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