Is the ability there for F-prot to give you the NAME of the virus in the
log? instead of "Infected with a virus."? We have the Windows version
If you use "LOGLEVEL MID" (in the \IMail\Declude\virus.cfg file), Declude will report the virus name in the log file.

    Does F-Prot keep a log of useage by Declude with infections? I'd like to
get some feel for what is coming in.
Unfortunately, that isn't possible. The problem is that F-Prot does record a log file, but Declude Virus needs the information from it, which means that it has to be saved in the temporary directory that Declude scans in. Once Declude is finished scanning the E-mail, the temporary files are deleted.

[This E-mail was scanned for viruses by Declude Virus (]

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