How do you explain the [Partial Vulnerability] virus to a user?
Something like "Back in the old days, E-mails were limited to 50K each, and large files had to be broken down among several smaller E-mails. For year now, however, E-mails haven't been limited to a specific size, and so people rarely ever split up E-mails anymore. Recently, it was discovered that splitting up E-mails would bypass many virus scanners, so it is now recommended practice for mailservers to block any E-mails that have been split up in this way."

How do they fix it?
They need to set their mail client not to split up outgoing E-mails. They almost certainly at some point saw a checkbox in their mail client settings and said "Gee, let me check this!"; that's the one they need to uncheck.

  I believe it comes from having this setting turned on in my config?

Correct. It is STRONGLY recommended to keep that at its default setting of ON; otherwise, future viruses WILL get through your server.

[This E-mail was scanned for viruses by Declude Virus (]

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