One of my servers started sending malformed headers yesterday for some reason. Declude picked it up as a the Outlook CR Vulnerability.

I am wondering if anyone can tell me where the vulnerability is in the attached message (attachment is a copy of what Declude Quarantined).

I do not see any "stand-alone" CRs in the middle of the header and am a little confused as to where I should start looking for the culprit.
What makes it harder to figure out is that it may be impossible to see the problem when the headers are sent in a new E-mail, as the body of an E-mail will often change around spaces, tabs, CRs and LFs.

The problem turns out to be that the HELO/EHLO that your mailserver is sending has a CR in it:

Received: from
[] by

IMail added this header when the mailserver identified itself as "<CR>", rather than just
"" (it should have sent "EHLO<CR><LF>", but instead sent ""EHLO<CR><CR><LF>").

[This E-mail was scanned for viruses by Declude Virus (]

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