>Received: from Satumqc ([]) by out016.verizon.net
>           (InterMail vM. 201-253-122-126-127-20021220) with SMTP
>           id <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>           for <user>; Wed, 2 Apr 2003 19:35:37 -0600

Now that IP shown IS ours, but the brackets tell me it's fake. Besides our
mailserver is obviously not verizon. Comments / suggestions? This guys
starting to tick me off.

Actually, the bracket doesn't mean it is fake. The bracket just indicates an IP address. This header means that the mailserver claims to be called out016.verizon.net, and that it received the E-mail from a mailserver (or mail client) claiming to be "Saturmqc", from the IP

Most likely, this E-mail *did* originate from The only way to be sure is to have verizon.net confirm it, but they are very unlikely to do that, given the volume of viruses that are transmitted via their mailservers.

[This E-mail was scanned for viruses by Declude Virus (http://www.declude.com)]

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