>     Scanner       Avg. Time    Avg.Processor%      Peak%
>     ====================================================
>     F-Prot.......0.1 seconds.......0.482%.........4.688%
>     AVG..........0.5 seconds.......0.934%........52.316%
>     McAfee.......0.6 seconds.......0.900%........73.433%
>     ClamAV.......1.0 seconds.......2.303%.......100.000%

Great work. Thank you!

Regarding F-Prot, Mcafee and CalmAV I can confirm this from my observations.

However some months ago I've seen certain rare days where Mcafee (I asume)
has caused extraordinary high CPU usage. Without finding any solution then
temporaly disabling this engine, this behavior disapeared the next day and
so I asumed that it was caused by the daily (beta) updates from Mcafee. Last
months I haven't seen this problem anymore.


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