I'm new to this list and to the Declude system.
Yesterday I found an unusual entry in the Declude log and was wondering if someone could help me out deciphering what it is.
Below is an excerpt from the log
05/06/2004 03:23:17 Qe7b006a701001294 (Error 5 at 40ee76 v1.79)
05/06/2004 03:23:17 Qe7b006a701001294 (log part 2 saved as C:\declude.gp2)
05/06/2004 03:23:17 Qe7b006a701001294 (log part 1 saved as C:\declude.gp1)
05/06/2004 03:23:17.697 Qe7b006a701001294 Unlocked d:\IMAIL\spool\Qe7b006a701001294.SMD.
I'm concerned about the entries where it says that the program saved two files, declude.gp1 and declude.gp2. The program did indeed create both files in the C:\ drive. Does anyone know what this is about or where I can find information that will help me understand why these entries were posted in the log?
Thank you in advance.
Julio Ochoa
Webjogger Internet Services
845-757-4000 ext.124

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