Today I found that AVG had crashed on my server and it was causing the scanner to time out most of the time that Declude called it, leading to a buildup of vir directories.  The AVG interface was showing no components installed.  A reboot fixed that problem.

I then ran a manual update and found an optional update which looks like a new version with a bunch of fixes.  The release notes are as follows:


AVG Alert Manager
* Improved error logging
* Changes necessary for future event reporting features

AVG Control Center
* Fixed detection of resident shield state with respect to floppy disc scanning
* Proper error description displayed if license number is invalid
* Resident shield plugin allows definition of directories for exclusion
* Fixed AVGCC crash on some Win9x systems when during plugin status detection
* Resident shield plugin now does not signal error state when option for e-mail file on-access scanning is off

AVG User Interface
* Removed duplicate prompt for restart in certain situations
* List of DLL files in bug reports was extended
* Fix of some app crashes when sending bug-report e-mail
* Antialised fonts used independent of the system settings
* Improved error handling
* Fixed processing of /se command-line parameter. This bug caused problems when invoking update from HTTP server with name beginning with "se"

AVG Test Center
* Improved UPX self-extract file format processing

AVG scanning engine
* Improved UPX self-extract file format processing

Resident scanning engine for Windows NT


E-mail addins
* Outlook plugin can be re-registered (can be stopped)
* Fixed detection of the presence of plugin for TheBAT!
* Default file extension for message parts changed. "attachment" is now used instead of "attach.bin". Old name caused problems when attachment removal based on file extensions was active

Resident Shield for Windows NT
* Fixed problem with on-close test when infected file was stored from within Netscape 7.1
* On Windows XP a new register parametr "StackThreshold" is supported. This parameter can be used to modify resident shield behavior in case that seldom OS crashes occur with error code STOP 0x7F (0x8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
* Fixed BSOD problem with active Application Verifier
* Fixed problem with network pipes and SysInternals PSTools programs (and some other systems using pipes)
* Implemented support for local directory exclusion. This functionality is only supported on Windows NT+
* Fixed problem with co-existence with the SODAT security driver

Resident Shield for Windows XP
* Fixed problem with on-close test when infected file was stored from within Netscape 7.1
* On Windows XP a new register parametr "StackThreshold" is supported. This parameter can be used to modify resident shield behavior in case that seldom OS crashes occur with error code STOP 0x7F (0x8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
* Fixed BSOD problem with active Application Verifier
* Fixed problem with network pipes and SysInternals PSTools programs (and some other systems using pipes)
* Implemented support for local directory exclusion. This functionality is only supported on Windows NT+
* Fixed problem with co-existence with the SODAT security driver

AVG kernel
* Support for Windows XP SP2 Security Center
* Very conservative support for removal of ZIP archives containing infected files added
* Fixed problem when AVI database version was invalid - AVGSCAN end with error
* Fixed result value when attempting to move non-existent file to virus vault
* Fixed rare (but possible) e-mail corruption
* Runtime compression support is on by default
* Infected files that can be "healed" by removal only now can only be removed
* AVGSCAN result code 2 when attempting to open non-existent directory
* Fixed date correction based on AVI date
* Support for new command-line parameters /CLEAN and /TRASH
* Improved error handling

Update component

MailPure custom filters for Declude JunkMail Pro.

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