
I've  posted  exchange2aliases,  a  VBScript  that  helps automate the
cumbersome  task  of  rejecting  unknown users for remote domains. The
script  is  designed specifically for those running IMail MXs, with or
without Declude, in front of Exchange mailbox servers.

In  order to use the script, you first change your remote domains from
classical  store-and-forward  domains  with  no local presence (save a
HOSTS entry) to IMail virtual hosts with no users, a simple change.

You'd   then   create   a  new  recipient  policy  for  your  Exchange
organization  that  allows  users  to  receive  mail  at, for example,   in   addition   to  their  primary  address  at  (many Exchange setups already have such a policy in place
because they use a .local AD domain). Make sure that IMail sees the MX
for  as  the  Exchange  server's internal IP, or
hard-code the mailroute in HOSTS if you want.

When  you  then  run  Exchange2aliases, either scheduled or ad hoc, it
will  scan  all  of the Exchange addresses for AD and SMTP domains you
specify and create corresponding IMail aliases for each--thus allowing
for  envelope rejection on the IMail box. By default, exchange2aliases
clears  and replaces the entire _aliases table in IMail every time you
run  it,  which  would  typically  be the preferred behavior, but this
behavior may be disabled using a command-line switch.

The  exchange2aliases  command-line  options  are  visible  by running
'cscript   exchange2aliases.vbs'  after  your  download.  Please  post
support  questions  as [OT] to the IMail or Declude forums to create a
public archive.



P.S.  Also  please  note  a  URL  change  for  SPAMC32  as shown in my

Sanford Whiteman, Chief Technologist
Broadleaf Systems, a division of
Cypress Integrated Systems, Inc.

SpamAssassin plugs into Declude!

Defuse Dictionary Attacks: Turn Exchange Addresses into IMail Aliases!

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