
This is only a vulnerability because of a flaw that once existed in one E-mail client.  To the best of my knowledge, it has not been used to spread a virus in at least the last year, however this test has resulted in small numbers of legitimate E-mail being blocked on most systems.

It seems that the reason for the all or nothing approach to vulnerabilities in the past was one that came from what Scott considered his better judgment and possibly where things fell in terms of priorities.  He has however recently stated that new management has sided with the belief that these settings should be customizable.

I would have turned the vulnerability detection off by now except for the fact that more recently there has been good progress on malformed file detection that has been useful in blocking viruses (or at least stopping the banned extension bounce messages on our system).  I would prefer that when this is changed and control becomes more granular, that we get the ability to filter on these hits in JunkMail instead of just turning on and off each test.  That would allow me to review the messages under the same system as the spam, although segregated.

Since the problem is currently small and the customer that suffers from the only reoccurring problem understands, I'm just simply patiently awaiting the time when this rises to the top of the list.  Better granularity is in fact a benefit to the application, Declude's business, and definitely ours.  I am generally smart enough to make my own decisions, or at least fully willing to take responsibility for them :)


John Tolmachoff (Lists) wrote:
This looks like a clear explanation to me:

18.3 Outlook 'Blank Folding' Vulnerability: This vulnerability occurs when
there is a line in the headers with just a single space or a single tab
character. Outlook can treat this as the end of the headers, allowing it to
see a virus that is embedded in the headers. RFC822 3.2.3 says that it is
not valid to have such lines, nor is there any legitimate reason for an
E-mail to contain a blank line in the headers with a single space or tab
(note that it is OK to have a line with a single space or tab in the E-mail
body, just not the headers). 

John Tolmachoff
eServices For You

-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of David Maynard
Sent: Friday, September 24, 2004 5:17 PM
Subject: RE: [Declude.Virus] Paypal and "Outlook 'Blank Folding' Vulnerabi
While the PayPal messages apparently aren't properly formatted via the
RFC's, they clearly aren't "vulnerabilities."  I have always considered
one of Declude's most questionable "features."  For marketing purposes,
is touted as something that Declude stops while other programs don't.  It
isn't well explained and would lead people to believe that anything it
is something nasty.  The truth is that most things it traps are legitimate
emails that are the product of badly-coded email programs.  A more
method of detecting *real* exploits of the blank folding problem would
certainly be very appreciated.

-----Original Message-----
From: R. Scott Perry [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, September 24, 2004 12:12 PM
Subject: Re: [Declude.Virus] Paypal and "Outlook 'Blank Folding'

That's a good question...Scott?
We've tried unsuccessfully to contact PayPal in the past, when they were
sending out vulnerabilities.

However, if people send us samples, we can try to contact them again.

Declude JunkMail: The advanced anti-spam solution for IMail mailservers
since 2000.
Declude Virus: Ultra reliable virus detection and the leader in mailserver
vulnerability detection.
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