
Thanks a bunch for pointing this out.  I have found two of these in the last hour that are tagging what appears to be legitimate E-mail, bother from the same person.  This is gatewayed E-mail:
05/02/2005 13:44:21 Q66F5EF3A00E815E6 MIME file: [text/html][quoted-printable; Length=6657 Checksum=558425]
05/02/2005 13:44:21 Q66F5EF3A00E815E6 Found potentially dangerous stuff in F:\D66F5EF3A00E815E6.vir\0.!
05/02/2005 13:44:21 Q66F5EF3A00E815E6 MIME file: image001.jpg [base64; Length=11748 Checksum=1305364]
05/02/2005 13:44:21 Q66F5EF3A00E815E6 MIME file: image002.gif [base64; Length=2184 Checksum=243507]
05/02/2005 13:44:22 Q66F5EF3A00E815E6 Scanner 1: Virus=HTML/[EMAIL PROTECTED] Attachment=[HTML segment] [0] O
05/02/2005 13:44:22 Q66F5EF3A00E815E6 File(s) are INFECTED [HTML/[EMAIL PROTECTED]: 0]
05/02/2005 13:44:22 Q66F5EF3A00E815E6 Deleting file with virus
05/02/2005 13:44:22 Q66F5EF3A00E815E6 Deleting E-mail with virus!
05/02/2005 13:44:22 Q66F5EF3A00E815E6 Scanned: CONTAINS A VIRUS [MIME: 4 21877]
05/02/2005 13:44:22 Q66F5EF3A00E815E6 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [outgoing from]
05/02/2005 13:44:22 Q66F5EF3A00E815E6 Subject: RE: NCC Docket 2005 - 2
It looks like turning F-Prot off might be a good idea, or at least configuring it to not delete viruses.


John Tolmachoff (Lists) wrote:
It appears that something has updated on F-Prot in the last hour. Now, a lot
of outbound HTML e-mails are being flagged  by F-Prot as having the HTML
object exploit. Running the file on shows clean.

Any one else seeing problems?

For now, as I am at a client, I have turned off F-Prot scanning relying on

John T
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