Are you running the fpcmd.exe version of the fprot scanner?  If not, you
will see these sorts of delays.  

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Panda Consulting
S.A. Luis Alberto Arango
Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2005 6:00 PM
Subject: [Declude.Virus] w32/Sober.O virus

Today we were flooded with a massive incoming emails containing Sober.O
(f-prot) virus.

We receive aprox 15% of viruses out of all the emails we process. Today
the figure raised to almost 40%.

It fulfilled the overflow folder and there were delays of about 2 to 5
hours to deliver non-virus emails

We received the first email with virus at 12 (noon) may 2. Our f-prot
signature files were not updated -we update every 4 hours- and we let 27
emails with viruses passed through. There was nothing we could do about
it. The virus was discovered the same day by Symantec, F-prot and

Our F-prot received signature files at 1:30 pm and from that time on we
have catched about 9000 emails out 30,000

The folder is full with 3000 emails and is not able to be handled as
fast as we would want with declude/f-prot.

Is there something we can do to avoid such delays delivering emails
other than use Imail Kill list, catching the computers delivering the
viruses and moving to a strongest server.

        -Luis Arango

[Email scanned for viruses by Panda Consulting]
[Email escaneado contra virus por Panda Consulting]

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