> it looks like the genesis of the problem is that clam started
> timing out.

  It may be but I haven't been able to force it to happen so far. For
  me this is the first instance of this in more than one year.

  I am suspicious that it could be a Windows socket issue which is why
  I've changed the clamd.conf settings.

  If you also want to try this find clamd.conf (usually in
  C:\clamav-devel\etc) and open in an editor. Change the following in

    Comment out with # the lines:
       LocalSocket /cygdrive/c/clamav-devel/clamd.sock
       FixStaleSocket yes
    Uncomment the lines:
       TCPSocket 3310

  Restart clamd by Stopping Runclamd and then restarting.

  Since you've had more occurrences it may be a better test.

> As I mentioned, a completely separate process that copies my Sniffer
> .snf file onto the same drive failed with a "could not copy file"
> error

  That's very interesting although I'm uncertain what it may mean.

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