I have a problem with ClamAV apparently leaving locked pdf files behind. I
get these messages the the virus log:

03/08/2006 11:50:34.721 262309704382 WARNING: Couldn't remove .vir directory
e:\SmarterMail\Spool\proc\work\262309704382.vir\: EXTRA FILES THERE. [145]
Error String: [The directory is not empty.]
03/08/2006 11:50:34.721 262309704382 Likely problem: Your virus scanner is
leaving extra files/directories behind, so Declude can't delete the

The files that are remaining are named "0.pdf" or "1.pdf". Any ideas where
these are coming from? Why are they staying behind after clam finishes?
What's locking them?

Using the newest versions of all, SmarterMail, clamav, and Declude

Ken Weise
Econocaribe Consolidators, Inc.
2401 NW 69th ST * Miami, FL 33147
(p) 305.693.5133  *  (f) 305.894.3666

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