Hi Bonno,

Don't know if there was a howto, now there is one :-)

there are two compilations of Clam on Windows, ClamWin and SOSDG ClamAV. 
I think both are running stable at the moment, but I'm not sure (ClamAV was not 
really stable about a year or two ago)

We use ClamAV, I think ClamWin is almost the same.

*         Install ClamAV

*         Configure ClamAV to run as a Service/Daemon (you can run it without 
the service, but it will save you CPU cycles)

*         Create a job that starts Freshclam (Signature Update)

*         If you want, create a job that gets the Sanesecurity Signatures 
(Anti-Phising, really great!, http://www.sanesecurity.co.uk/)

*         Configure Declude the use runclamscan

C:\clamav-devel\thirdparty\runclamd  (Install the thirdparty Tools)
Modify the ini file, start runclamd --install, "net start runclamd"
Check the logfile, I've got the problem with Windows 64, that it won't start on 
the first try. Windows 32 works well. Don't know, if it's the server or 
anything else.

C:\clamav-devel\bin\freshclam.exe --log c:\logs\Freshclam-update.log
(here you can find errors, default is C:\clamav-devel\log\...)

Simple Batch
wget http://www.sanesecurity.com/clamav/phishsigs/phish.ndb.gz
wget http://www.sanesecurity.com/clamav/scamsigs/scam.ndb.gz
unzip phish.ndb.gz
unzip scam.ndb.gz
copy phish.ndb C:\clamav-devel\share\clamav\phish.ndb
copy scam.ndb C:\clamav-devel\share\clamav\scam.ndb
del c:\temp\phish.ndb
del c:\temp\scam.ndb


The readme says:
SCANFILE3 C:\imail\declude\runclamscan.exe log=1 
C:\clamav-devel\bin\clamdscan.exe --quiet --mbox -l report.txt

But the --mbox option isn't recognized any more.

I have:
SCANFILE C:\imail\declude\runclamscan.exe log=1 
C:\clamav-devel\bin\clamdscan.exe --quiet -l report.txt
in my virus.cfg

You can test both, ClamDscan and ClamScan (C:\clamav-devel\bin), ClamDScan uses 
the Daemon if it's available.
Btw: I tried it right now, "ClamDscan C:\temp" and "ClamScan C:\temp"
ClamDscan takes 0.375 seconds, ClamScan 10.359.


Von: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Im Auftrag von Bonno Bloksma
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 5. Juni 2008 22:18
An: Declude.Virus@declude.com
Betreff: [Declude.Virus] ClamAV


Been using the old F-prot v3 as a second scanner but I disabled it today. As 
the new F-prot 6 scanner is not allowed with Declude, well sort of but I don't 
want to pay that mucht ;-) I wanted to use ClamAV asn an extra scanner.

In the past it was a bit dificult I seem to remember but.... Is it realy as 
easy as 1-2-3 today?
Go to http://w32.clamav.net/ and download
    - The Windows msi file
    - The initial virus sigantures
    - Pthreads (I seem to need it).
Install the msi
Copy the initial signature files to C:\Program Files\clamAV\data or something 
like it.

But then....
Make sure the sig files are updated... but how?

Let Declude (according to http://www.declude.com/searchresults.asp?Cat=124) 
call ClamAV using:
 SCANFILE [Drive:]\[Path]\bin\clamscan.exe --quiet --log-verbose --no-summary 
--max-ratio 0  -l report.txt
Which would probably translate to
 SCANFILE C:\Program Files\bin\clamscan.exe --quiet --log-verbose --no-summary 
--max-ratio 0  -l report.txt
or would
 SCANFILE C:\IMail\Declude\Scanners\clamscan.exe --quiet --log-verbose 
--no-summary --max-ratio 0  -l report.txt
be a better solution.

There is also a clamscam.txt file in the C:\IMail\declude\scanners\ClamAV 
directory that seems to suggest something else.

So where is a HOWTO to get it up and running with Declude? I'm sure I'm not the 
first to look at the combination, so how dit YOU do it. :-)

Met vriendelijke groet,
Bonno Bloksma
hoofd systeembeheer

tio hogeschool hospitality en toerisme
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