Olá Marcos,
o artigo que você leu na Active Delphi sobre 3 versões de Delphi se basea no 
RoadMap, ou seja, pretendemos ter até final de 2007...
Isso já começou, Delphi 2006 está neste contexto, o próximo tem como codinome 
Highlander e depois Delphi for Vista..., ou seja, tem muito tempo pela frente e 
muitas tecnologias que ainda não estão prontas para serem suportadas pelo 
.NET 2.0 virá com o projeto Highlander.....
Responde a sua pergunta, não vale a pena esperar não, diversos recursos do 
Delphi 2005 e 2006 são fundamentais e aumentam a produtividade no 
Postei a alguns dias, os comentários que o mercado está fazendo sobre Delphi 
2006 e muito usuários de Delphi 5, 6, 7 estão migrando para 2006 por ser mais 
rápido e conter inúmeros recursos fundamentais no desenvolvimento.
Abaixo os comentários...
> Would you please share so far your finding with BDS 2006. It is little bit
> quiet this time after the major release.

I have ditched Delphi 7 in favour of Delphi 2006 because I find the IDE to 
be more stable. All the nice new features in Delphi 2006 are just icing on 
the cake.

I've converted all my projects from Delphi 7 to Delphi 2006 and the IDE has 
not crashed on me once. What's more, in a project that spans over just above 
a million source lines there was only 1 change required to make it compile: 
I had an enumeration that contained an element called ptNone which clashed 
with a new built-in enumeration... I renamed that and it compiled. It took 
me less than 5 minutes to get it up and running.

 I don't think you don't get a better testimonial than this :-).

> Would you please share so far your finding with BDS 2006. It is little bit
> quiet this time after the major release.

It is like VS 2005, but you can build apps without .NET overhead.
What more can say :) It is like heaven has decended on earth <g>

I think this has been by far too little emphisized. You get all and more
features as in VS2005 and way more than with any other Delphi
before, and by using VCL and Delphi.W32 you can do same
and more as VS2005 can only do via .NET framework and CLR.

There is no equal unmanaged code development tool on earth
by very very far!!

(And on top of that, if you need .NET you can do that also :))

Best Regards!
> Would you please share so far your finding with BDS 2006. It is
> little bit quiet this time after the major release.
> Jianfei


A few things I've noticed so far, in addition to what other people have
mentioned in the group.

Everythings alot snappier so things like ProjectGroups load really

The html markup source preservation is really good so it's now possible
to edit in the markup editor and not have the designer reformat stuff.

The tag editor has been improved.

The asp.net deployment manager allows you to deploy dlls external to
the projects.

> Would you please share so far your finding with BDS 2006.

I just did a performance test of a compiled application. It is 7% faster 
than in D7 (134 sec > 125 sec). It is a mix of integers, floats, strings, 
memory allocations etc.

I'm a happy user :-)


Well, my D2006 Architect came today. And I have tested some features, and 
checked against my QC reports.

Fixed QC:

13691: The form problems with forms popping up in front of the inspector are 

10588: The drawing problems with design windows scrollbars in .NET VCL Form 
mode is gone.

13449: My report on TSOAPConnection problem with missing RIO has been fixed 
even though it was duplicate of a very old report, and that one was closed 
long time ago as wont do :)

12655: Problems with < and > tags inside caption properties in ASP.NET

11538: Problem with class completion creating getters and setters

10455: Remote Debugger is back!

Still many QC reports that I have is not fixed, but all important problems 
are fixed. The other QC reports are not of any critical type.

Very fast startup, and snappy for everything I have tested so far (even in a 
virtual environment with 600Meg memory available). A lot of new good 
features, and no crashes at all yet.

This is looking very good so far.

I will come with more feedback when I have installed all third party 
components (like JVCL, DevExpress etc.).

> Would you please share so far your finding with BDS 2006. It is
> little bit quiet this time after the major release.

BDS 2006 is *awesome*!  First Delphi upgrade I've been excited about
since D6!  :D

Jon Robertson
Borland Certified Advanced Delphi 7 Developer
MedEvolve, Inc
http://www.medevolve.com <BLOCKED::http://www.medevolve.com> 
good feedback keeps rolling in!
I have received my copy of BDS 2006 yesterday and well... it's really sweet 
indeed! What a good change from D2005!
Alan Garny

Just got back from the preview and I was really, really
impressed.  All I can say is WOW!
Very, Very Solid.  Very fast.  I have a 1Ghz 512k system
running Delphi 7.  John K was running on a 2Ghz 2GB
system.  The IDEs were about the same speed.  You would need
more then a stop watch to tell the difference.  
This thing is going to fly.  It is so much faster then
VS 2005 that it is not even funny.
WOW, what a difference between D2005 and D2006.  Borland
has absolutely listened and is back on top with this IDE.
Thomas Miller 
Borland Developer Studio 2006 is Speed Racer.
Kyle A. Miller
I can tell for sure that D10 is faster than any other Delphi until now  
(integer and classes). If you switch from D6-7-2005 you will notice the 
difference without runnning a  
The ide finally is fast, reliable, I feel as the first time I have  
installed D2 (help aside).
Let me tell: Delphi apparently is back!

Andreano Lanusse
System Engineer
Borland Latin America
Tel: +55 (11) 2165.8089 / Mobile: +55 (11) 8196.5912
[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  - www.borland.com.br 


A Borland Software é líder global em soluções independentes de plataforma para 
o Software Delivery Optimization, auxiliando nossos clientes a resolverem as 
restrições no desenvolvimento de aplicações nos dias de hoje, para maximizar o 
valor do negócio de seu software.


De: delphi-br@yahoogrupos.com.br [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Em nome de Marcos 
Enviada em: quinta-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2005 12:20
Para: delphi-br@yahoogrupos.com.br
Assunto: Re: [delphi-br] delphi 2006

Salve Lista,

Eu li na Active Delphi que será lançado até o meio de 2007 3 versões do
minha pergunta é..

Será que num vale a pena esperar para ver o que vai sair???
Como o 2005 já saiu com um monte de bug de IDE  e etc..
eu estou com receio de que até 2007, esta ferramenta tenha muito
a ser aprimorada... ah eo Framework 2 so vem na versão do final de 2006

Feliz Natal e Good Vibe para 2006

Marcos Bernardo

Em 22/12/05, Andreano Lanusse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu:
> Já foi lançado e já tem para ser entregue no Brasil.
> []'s
> ________________________________
> De: delphi-br@yahoogrupos.com.br [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Em
> nome de guara
> Enviada em: quinta-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2005 10:07
> Para: delphi-br@yahoogrupos.com.br
> Assunto: [delphi-br] delphi 2006
> quando o delhi2006 sera lançado oficialmente no brasil ?
> [As partes desta mensagem que não continham texto foram removidas]
> --
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