Obrigado Luiz
Mas o codigo não veio pois é proibido via Lista. Mas valeu assim mesmo.

Que a Paz do Grande Arquiteto do Universo nos Ampare
Dourado                                                                 SP

----- Original Message -----
From: "Luiz Escobar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <delphi-br@yahoogrupos.com.br>
Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2006 9:01 PM
Subject: RES: [delphi-br] Botões redondos... codigo fontebotão de

> bom sei que vc quer um botão redondo, e isso parece dificil.. bom aqui tem
> um exemplo de um botão
> feito atravez de um bitmap, qualquer bitmap vira um botão...
> ele cria o efeito de Lighter, quando passa o mouse encima, Darker, quando
> clica, acertei esta parte, comia um pedaçinho da imagem quando era justa,
> Disabled, (essa eu implementei, ehehhehe), quando vc disabilita o botão...
> talvez ajude...
> como não sabia o endereço postei o código....
> se alguem gostar e implementar algo novo, posta ai....
> Luiz Escobar
> //==============================================================
> //jvBitmapButton.pas
> // versão 2.1c  modify by Luiz Escobar
> //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> unit jvBitmapButton;
> interface
> uses
>  Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs;
> type
>  TjvBitmapButton = class(TGraphicControl)
>  private
>    FBitmap: TBitmap;
>    FLighter: TBitmap;
>    FDarker: Tbitmap;
>    FDisabled: Tbitmap; // by Luiz Escobar
>    FPushDown:boolean;
>    FMouseOver:boolean;
>    FLatching: boolean;
>    FDown: boolean;
>    FHotTrack: boolean;
>    Fenable: boolean;  // by Luiz Escobar
>    procedure SetBitmap(const Value: TBitmap);
>    procedure MakeDarker;
>    procedure MakeLighter;
>    procedure MakeDisabled;  // by Luiz Escobar
>    procedure SetLatching(const Value: boolean);
>    procedure SetDown(const Value: boolean);
>    procedure SetHotTrack(const Value: boolean);
>    function  GetEnabled : Boolean; // by Luiz Escobar
>    procedure SetEnabled( const Value: boolean); // by Luiz Escobar
>    { Private declarations }
>  protected
>    { Protected declarations }
>    procedure MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y:
> Integer);override;
>    procedure MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y:
> Integer);override;
>    procedure MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);override;
>    procedure Click;override;
>    procedure CMMouseLeave(var Message:TMessage); message CM_MouseLeave;
>    procedure Loaded;override;
>    procedure Resize;override;
>  public
>    { Public declarations }
>    constructor Create(AOwner:TComponent);override;
>    destructor  Destroy;override;
>    procedure   Paint; override;
>  published
>    { Published declarations }
>    property Bitmap:TBitmap read FBitmap write SetBitmap;
>    property Down:boolean read FDown write SetDown;
>    property Latching:boolean read FLatching write SetLatching;
>    property HotTrack:boolean read FHotTrack write SetHotTrack;
>    property Enable:boolean read GetEnabled write SetEnabled; // by Luiz
> Escobar
>    property onclick;
>    property onmousedown;
>    property onmouseup;
>  end;
> procedure Register;
> implementation
> procedure Register;
> begin
>  RegisterComponents('ESC_UTIL', [TjvBitmapButton]);
> end;
> { TjvBitmapButton }
> function TjvBitmapButton.GetEnabled: boolean;  // by Luiz Escobar
> begin
>   result := enabled;
> end;
> procedure TjvBitmapButton.SetEnabled( const Value : boolean ); // by Luiz
> Escobar
> begin
>   enabled := value;
>   fenable := enabled;
>   Paint;
> end ;
> procedure TjvBitmapButton.Click;
> begin
>  inherited;
>  if FPushDown then
>    if assigned(onclick) then
>      onclick(self);
> end;
> constructor TjvBitmapButton.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
> begin
>  inherited;
>  width:=24;
>  height:=24;
>  FPushDown:=false;
>  FMouseOver:=false;
>  FLatching:=false;
>  FHotTrack:=true;
>  FDown:=false;
>  FBitmap:=TBitmap.create;
>  Fbitmap.width:=24;
>  Fbitmap.Height:=24;
>  Fbitmap.canvas.brush.color:=clgray;
>  FBitmap.canvas.FillRect (rect(1,1,23,23));
>  FLighter:=Tbitmap.create;
>  FDarker:=Tbitmap.create;
>  FDisabled:=Tbitmap.create; // by Luiz Escobar
>  Fenable := enabled;  // by Luiz Escobar
> end;
> destructor TjvBitmapButton.Destroy;
> begin
>  FBitmap.free;
>  FLighter.free;
>  FDarker.free;
>  FDisabled.free; // by Luiz Escobar
>  inherited;
> end;
> procedure TjvBitmapButton.MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton;
>  Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
> begin
>  inherited;
>  if FBitmap.canvas.pixels[x,y]<>Fbitmap.canvas.pixels[0,FBitmap.height-1]
> then
>   FPushDown:=true
>   else
>   FPushDown:=false;
>  Paint;
>  if assigned(onmousedown) then
>    onmousedown(self,button,shift,x,y);
> end;
> procedure TjvBitmapButton.MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift:
> TShiftState;
>  X, Y: Integer);
> begin
>  inherited;
>  FPushDown:=false;
>  if Latching then
>    FDown:= not FDown
>  else
>    FDown:=false;
>  Paint;
>  if assigned(onmouseup) then
>    onmouseup(self,button,shift,x,y);
> end;
> procedure TjvBitmapButton.Paint;
> var Acolor:TColor;
> begin
>  inherited;
>  if assigned(FBitmap) then
>  begin
>    AColor:=FBitmap.canvas.pixels[0,FBitmap.height-1];
>    Fbitmap.transparent:=true;
>    Fbitmap.transparentcolor:=Acolor;
>    FLighter.transparent:=true;
>    Flighter.TransparentColor :=AColor;
>    FDarker.transparent:=true;
>    FDarker.TransparentColor :=AColor;
>    AColor:=FDisabled.canvas.pixels[0,FDisabled.height-1];
>    FDisabled.transparent:=true;
>    FDisabled.TransparentColor :=AColor;
>    if enabled  then begin // by Luiz Escobar
>       if FPushdown then  begin
>          canvas.draw(1,1,FDarker)
>       end else begin
>         if Down then
>           canvas.Draw(1,1,FDarker)
>         else if (FMouseOver and FHotTrack) then
>           canvas.draw(0,0,FLighter)
>         else canvas.Draw (0,0,FBitmap);
>       end;
>    end else canvas.Draw(0,0,FDisabled); // by Luiz Escobar
>  end;
> end;
> procedure TjvBitmapButton.SetBitmap(const Value: TBitmap);
> begin
>  FBitmap.assign(Value);
>  FBitmap.transparent:=true;
>  FBitmap.TransparentColor :=FBitmap.Canvas.pixels[0,FBitmap.Height-1];
>  width:=FBitmap.Width ;
>  height:=FBitmap.Height ;
>  MakeLighter;
>  MakeDarker;
>  MakeDisabled;
> end;
> procedure TjvBitmapButton.MakeDisabled; // procedure by Luiz Escobar
> var
>  c, x, y: Integer;
>  PxlColor: TColor;
>  R: TRect;
>  Offset, Flags: Integer;
>  DrawPressed: Boolean;
>  Image: TBitmap;
>  Bitmap: TBitmap;
> begin
>  FDisabled.Width := FBitmap.Width;
>  FDisabled.Height := FBitmap.Height;
>  FDisabled.PixelFormat := FBitmap.PixelFormat;
>  FDisabled.Assign( FBitmap );
>      for x := 0 to FBitmap.Width - 1 do
>        for y := 0 to FBitmap.Height - 1 do
>        begin
>          PxlColor := ColorToRGB(FBitmap.Canvas.Pixels[x, y]);
>          c := Round((((PxlColor shr 16) + ((PxlColor shr 8) and $00FF) +
> (PxlColor and $0000FF)) div 3)) div 2 + 96;
>          FDisabled.Canvas.Pixels[x, y] := RGB(c, c, c);
>        end;
> end;
> procedure TjvBitmapButton.MakeLighter;
> var p1,p2:Pbytearray;
>    x,y:integer;
>    rt,gt,bt:byte;
>    r,g,b:byte;
>    AColor:TColor;
> begin
>  FLighter.Width :=FBitmap.Width ;
>  FLighter.Height :=FBitmap.height;
>  Acolor:=colortorgb(FBitmap.canvas.pixels[0,FBitmap.height-1]);
>  rt:=GetRValue(Acolor);
>  gt:=GetGValue(AColor);
>  bt:=getBValue(AColor);
>  FBitmap.PixelFormat  :=pf24bit;
>  FLighter.PixelFormat :=pf24bit;
>  for y:=0 to Fbitmap.height-1 do
>  begin
>    p1:=Fbitmap.ScanLine [y];
>    p2:=FLighter.ScanLine [y];
>    for x:=0 to FBitmap.width-1 do
>    begin
>      if (p1[x*3]=bt)and (p1[x*3+1]=gt)and (p1[x*3+2]=rt) then
>      begin
>        p2[x*3]:=p1[x*3];
>        p2[x*3+1]:=p1[x*3+1];
>        p2[x*3+2]:=p1[x*3+2];
>      end
>      else
>      begin
>        p2[x*3]:=$FF-round(0.8*abs($FF-p1[x*3]));
>        p2[x*3+1]:=$FF-round(0.8*abs($FF-p1[x*3+1]));
>        p2[x*3+2]:=$FF-round(0.8*abs($FF-p1[x*3+2]));
>      end;
>    end;
>  end;
> end;
> procedure TjvBitmapButton.MakeDarker;
> var p1,p2:Pbytearray;
>    x,y:integer;
>    rt,gt,bt:byte;
>    r,g,b:byte;
>    AColor:TColor;
> begin
>  FDarker.Width :=FBitmap.Width ;
>  FDarker.Height :=FBitmap.height;
>  Acolor:=colortorgb(FBitmap.canvas.pixels[0,FBitmap.height-1]);
>  rt:=GetRValue(Acolor);
>  gt:=GetGValue(AColor);
>  bt:=getBValue(AColor);
>  FBitmap.PixelFormat :=pf24bit;
>  FDarker.PixelFormat :=pf24bit;
>  for y:=0 to Fbitmap.height-1 do
>  begin
>    p1:=Fbitmap.ScanLine [y];
>    p2:=FDarker.ScanLine [y];
>    for x:=0 to FBitmap.width-1 do
>    begin
>      if (p1[x*3]=bt)and (p1[x*3+1]=gt)and (p1[x*3+2]=rt) then
>      begin
>        p2[x*3]:=p1[x*3];
>        p2[x*3+1]:=p1[x*3+1];
>        p2[x*3+2]:=p1[x*3+2];
>      end
>      else
>      begin
>        p2[x*3]:=round(0.7*p1[x*3]);
>        p2[x*3+1]:=round(0.7*p1[x*3+1]);
>        p2[x*3+2]:=round(0.7*p1[x*3+2]);
>      end
>    end;
>  end;
> end;
> procedure TjvBitmapButton.CMMouseLeave(var Message: TMessage);
> begin
>  FMouseOver:=false;
>  Paint;
> end;
> procedure TjvBitmapButton.Loaded;
> begin
>  inherited;
>  if not FBitmap.Empty then
>  begin
>    MakeDarker;
>    MakeLighter;
>    MakeDisabled;
>  end;
> end;
> procedure TjvBitmapButton.SetLatching(const Value: boolean);
> begin
>  FLatching := Value;
>  if not FLatching then
>  begin
>    FDown:=false;
>    paint;
>  end;
> end;
> procedure TjvBitmapButton.SetDown(const Value: boolean);
> begin
>  if FLatching then
>  begin
>    FDown := Value;
>    paint;
>  end
>  else
>  begin
>    FDown:=false;
>    paint;
>  end;
> end;
> procedure TjvBitmapButton.Resize;
> begin
>  inherited;
>  if assigned(Fbitmap) then
>  begin
>    width:=FBitmap.width+1;
>    height:=FBitmap.Height+1;
>  end
>  else
>  begin
>    width:=24;
>    height:=24;
>  end;
> end;
> procedure TjvBitmapButton.SetHotTrack(const Value: boolean);
> begin
>  FHotTrack := Value;
> end;
> procedure TjvBitmapButton.MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
> var Value:boolean;
> begin
>  inherited;
>  Value:=
> FBitmap.canvas.pixels[x,y]<>Fbitmap.canvas.pixels[0,FBitmap.height-1];
>  if value<>FMouseOver then
>  begin
>    FMouseOver:=value;
>    Paint;
>  end;
>  if assigned(onmousemove) then
>    onmousemove(self,shift,x,y);
> end;
> end.
> --
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