Olá João, vou te passar o conteúdo do Help do MyDAC sobre o Pooling:

property Pooling: boolean default False;


Normally, when TCustomDAConnection establishes connection with the server it
takes server memory and time resources for allocating new server connection.
For example, pooling can be very useful when using disconnect mode. If an
application has wide user activity that forces many connect/disconnect
operations, it may spend a lot of time on creating connection and sending
requests to the server. TCustomDAConnection has software pool which stores
open connections with identical parameters.

Connection pool uses separate thread that validates the pool every 30
seconds. Pool validation consists in checking each connection in the pool.
If a connection is broken due to a network problem or another reason, it is
deleted from the pool. Validation procedure removes from the pool also
connections that are not used for a long time even if they are valid.

Set Pooling to True to enable pooling. Specify correct values for
PoolingOptions. Two connections belong to the same pool if they have
identical values for parameters: MinPoolSize, MaxPoolSize, Validate,
ConnectionLifeTime, Server, Username, Password, Database, IsolationLevel,
Port, IOHandler, QuotedIdentifier, ConnectionTimeout, Compress, Direct,
Embedded, Protocol, Charset, UseUnicode, NumericType.

Note: Using Pooling := True can cause errors with working with temporary



  TPoolingOptions = class(TPersistent)


    property MaxPoolSize: integer default 100;

    property MinPoolSize: integer default 0;

    property ConnectionLifetime: integer default 0;

    property Validate: boolean;


property PoolingOptions: TPoolingOptions;


Set properties of PoolingOptions to specify the behaviour of connection
pool. The meaning of PoolingOptions' properties are:

Property    Meaning

MaxPoolSize    Specifies the maximum number of connections that can be
opened in the connection pool. Once this value is reached, no more
connections are opened. The valid values are 1 and above.

MinPoolSize    Specifies the minimum number of connections that can be
opened in the connection pool.

ConnectionLifetime    Specifies the maximum time measured in milliseconds in
which opened connection can be used by connection pool. Pool deletes
connections with exceeded connection lifetime when TCustomDAConnection is
about to close. If ConnectionLifetime property is set to 0 (by default),
then life time of connection is infinity. ConnectionLifetime concerns only
inactive connections in pool.

Validate    If Validate is set to True, connection will be validated when it
is returned from the pool. By default this option is set to False and pool
does not validate connection when it is returned to be used by the
TCustomDAConnection component.

Em 12/04/08, Joao Morais <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu:
>   Eduardo Silva dos Santos wrote:
> > a questão que essa desconexão e reconexão leva um pouco de tempo, para
> > resolver isso eu uso o recurso de pooling de conexões,
> > onde mesmo desconectando a conexão continua "viva" no servidor.
> Olá Eduardo, você sabe detalhar um pouco melhor essa característica? Até
> aonde eu sei eu tenho opção de manter o handle da conexão, o que
> caracteriza uma conexão persistente. Ou eu posso destrui-la, que
> significa que a conexão será destruida no lado servidor também. Acho que
> não existe meio termo?
> --
> Joao Morais

Eduardo Silva dos Santos
DRD Sistemas.
(27) 3218-4201
Site: http://www.drdsistemas.com/

[As partes desta mensagem que não continham texto foram removidas]

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